Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Food Inc. Reflection

Food Inc has been the most eye opening and perspective changing movie I have seen in years. The part that struck out the most to me, regarded the mother and the loss of her son Kevin. I was shocked because after his death, she just wanted food corporations to change their ways to prevent any future accidents, but instead, they decided against it.

This movie made me wonder that if the government is supposed to protect the health of their people, why have they not created and or enforced laws to take drastic measures in the food industry? If there was pressure imposed on food corporations that applied to the living conditions of the animals, the health and safety conditions of the workers, the sanitary conditions of the meat, any of that, corporations would feel obligated and pressured to change their ways in fear of losing their customers. It frustrates me how the only motivation companies can have to begin taking safety precautions, is money instead of morality. I always wonder if there would ever be a change or if that's the only mentality our species is doomed to have.

Another thing that struck out to me was the living conditions of the animals before they died. That form of cruelty and malnourishment was astonishing. I was so surprised that food industries would go through such lengths to satisfy their thirst of supply and demand.